#07_Scope resolution, literals, reference variables, typecasting in C++
#include <iostream>
//Scope resolution, literals, reference variables, typecasting in C++
using namespace std;
int x = 10;
int main()
//Built in data_type
int x = 5;
cout << "The value x locally is : " << x << endl;
cout << "The value x globally is : " << ::x << endl
<< endl; //'::' is called scope resolution operator
//Float, double and long literals
float literal_1 = 12.44;
long double literal_2 = 12.44;
cout << "The size of 12.44 is : " << sizeof(12.44) << endl;
cout << "The size of 12.44f is : " << sizeof(12.44f) << endl;
cout << "The size of 12.44l is : " << sizeof(12.44l) << endl;
cout << "The size of 12.F4F is : " << sizeof(12.44F) << endl;
cout << "The size of 12.44L is : " << sizeof(12.44L) << endl
<< endl;
//Reference variable
//Ajay Nagar---> Carry---> Ajay---> CarryMinati
int Ajay_Nagar = 10;
cout << "The value of Ajay Nagar is : " << Ajay_Nagar << endl;
int &Carry = Ajay_Nagar;
cout << "The value of Ajay Nagar using name Carry : " << Carry << endl;
int &Ajay = Ajay_Nagar;
cout << "The value of Ajay Nagar using name Ajay is : " << Ajay << endl;
int &CarryMinati = Ajay_Nagar;
cout << "The value of Ajay Nagar using name CarryMinati is : "<<CarryMinati<<endl
<< endl;
float typecast_1 = 14.33;
float typecast_2 = 77.43;
cout << "The 1st value without typecast is : " << typecast_1 << endl;
cout << "The 1st value after typecasting is : " << (int)typecast_1 << endl;
cout << "The 2nd value without typecast is : " << typecast_2 << endl;
cout << "The 2nd value after typecasting is : " << int(typecast_2) << endl;
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