

public class Ch2_10_IncrementAndDecrement {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Quick quiz
int a = 5;
System.out.println("a is : " + a);//Initial value of a
System.out.println("a++ is : " + a++);//first use the value then increment
System.out.println("a is : " + a);//Value of a after increment
System.out.println("++a is : " + (++a));//First increment then use the value of a
System.out.println("a is : " + a);//Value of a after increment

int y = 7;
int x = ++y * 8;
System.out.println("The value of x is : " + x);

char a1 = 'B';
System.out.println("a1 is : " + a1);
System.out.println("a1++ is : " + a1);
System.out.println("--a1 is : " + (--a1));



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