

public class Ch3_14_StringMethods {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String name = "Harry Potter";
System.out.println("The length of the string \"" + name + "\" is : " + name.length());// prints the length of the string

String lCase = name.toLowerCase();// Lower case of the string
System.out.println("The Lower case of the string \"" + name + "\" is : " + lCase);

String uCase = name.toUpperCase();// Upper case of the string
System.out.println("The Upper case of the string \"" + name + "\" is : " + uCase);

String trim = name.trim();// removes the leading and trailing spaces
System.out.println("The trimmed string is : " + trim);

String SubString = name.substring(2);// substring from start(2) to end of string
System.out.println("The Substring starting from index 2 is : " + SubString);

String SubString2 = name.substring(2, 8);// Substring from index 2(start)(included) to 8(ends)(excluded)
System.out.println("Substring starting at index 2 and ends at index 8 is : " + SubString2);

String replacedString = name.replace('r', 's');//Replace old char with new char
System.out.println("The string after replacing 'r' with 's' is : " + replacedString);

String replacedString2 = name.replace("Harry", "Kevin");//replace targeted string with new string
System.out.println("The string after replacing \"Harry\" with \"Kevin\" is : " + replacedString2);

boolean startsWith = name.startsWith("Ha");//Check for prefix of the string
System.out.println("\"" + name + "\" starts with \"Ha\" ? " + startsWith);

boolean endsWith = name.endsWith("ry");//Check for suffix of the string
System.out.println("\"" + name + "\" ends with \"ry\" ? " + endsWith);

char charAt = name.charAt(6);//character at index 6 in string
System.out.println("The character at index 6 in \"" + name + "\" is : " + charAt);

int index = name.indexOf("Pot");//index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring.
System.out.println("Index of \"Pot\" in string \"" + name + "\" is : " + index);

int index2 = name.indexOf('r', 4);//index of 'r' starting from index 4 in string
System.out.println("The index of 'r' from index 4 is : " + index2);

int lastIndex = name.lastIndexOf('r');//index of 'r' from the end of the string
System.out.println("Index of 'r' from the end of the string is : " + lastIndex);

int lastIndex2 = name.lastIndexOf('r', 5);
System.out.println("Index of 'r' from index 5 from end of string is : " + lastIndex2);

boolean equals = name.equals("Harry potter");//comparing the string if match or not
System.out.println("Comparing \"Harry potter\" with string \"" + name + "\". If it matches or not? : " + equals);

boolean equals2 = name.equalsIgnoreCase("Harry potter");
System.out.println("Comparing \"Harry potter\" with string \"" + name + "\". If it matches(ignore Case sensitivity) or not? : " + equals2);

